Detection and Diagnosis of Breast Diseases Using the Multimodality Approach (INTERACTIVE LECTURE)

This course provides extensive knowledge about diagnostic breast imaging, differential diagnosis of breast diseases, implications for management and newest diagnostic technologies

You are cordially invited to a special, interactive hands-on workshop to explore the benefits of Automated Breast Ultrasound as supplemental breast cancer screening technology. 


Presidente: László Tabár


The lectures on each major subject will be followed by interactive screening sessions consisting of a mixture of normal and early cancer cases presented on the large screen exactly as they appear on a viewing station at screening. Using a specially provided polling program downloaded to each participant's smartphone or tablet, theattendees will be asked to vote anonymously on each case.

Il corso è in lingua Inglese con traduzione simultanea in italiano  

Data: 18-21 Giugno 2019
Città: Torino
Luogo: Centro Congressi Unione Industriali
Accreditamento ECM:

Evento ecm nr 5798 263087 


Programma dell'evento IN INGLESE:


Scheda Iscrizione

Esercitazioni programma





Modulo di Iscrizione

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